

  • Frankfurt, Germany: fra.nextblock.io

  • New York City, USA: ny.nextblock.io

Tip Wallets

Your TX must include a plain SOL Transfer IX to one of our tip wallets.

Tip Minimum: 0.001 SOL. Higher Tip = Higher Priority.

  • NextbLoCkVtMGcV47JzewQdvBpLqT9TxQFozQkN98pE

  • NexTbLoCkWykbLuB1NkjXgFWkX9oAtcoagQegygXXA2

  • NeXTBLoCKs9F1y5PJS9CKrFNNLU1keHW71rfh7KgA1X

  • NexTBLockJYZ7QD7p2byrUa6df8ndV2WSd8GkbWqfbb

  • neXtBLock1LeC67jYd1QdAa32kbVeubsfPNTJC1V5At

  • nEXTBLockYgngeRmRrjDV31mGSekVPqZoMGhQEZtPVG

  • NEXTbLoCkB51HpLBLojQfpyVAMorm3zzKg7w9NFdqid

  • nextBLoCkPMgmG8ZgJtABeScP35qLa2AMCNKntAP7Xc


For those wishing to use gRPC, we have created sample docs. at our GitHub


To enable Anti-MEV, set frontRunningProtection: true in your request as shown:

curl -X 'POST' 'https://fra.nextblock.io/api/v2/submit' -header "Authorization: $AUTH_HEADER" -d '{ "transaction": {"content": "FtQ+KrJeNuiismV1Ke...DBABRQ=="}, "frontRunningProtection": true, }'

Priority Fees & Retries

If anti-MEV is enabled, priority fee does not matter, only the NextBlock Tip matters.

If anti-MEV is disabled, ensure you use a good priority fee to maintain a competitive position amongst others during block production. We recommend a minimum of 0.005 SOL priority fee for fast TXNs.

When sending without frontRunningProtection: true, your transaction is sent via all channels: our internal validator network, Jito Bundles, and as a normal transaction to upcoming leaders.

NextBlock's intelligent retry system actively tracks on-chain activity levels and adjusts dynamically to send transactions more aggressively during congestion and less aggressively during downtime. Simply send us the transaction once - we take care of the rest, no retries needed on your end.

Last updated